Started with a spark,
rising with a hope
The potential of aspiring hearts can never be determined by the location and no boundaries can limit opportunities those budding dreams are destined to meet. We, Speed Visa Consultants, with its foundation at the heart of Chandigarh find our passion in converging these raw dreams with their destination. We, at our core, believe that nothing can bind dreamers to becoming achievers.
Over time, Speed Visa Consultants came to know the heartly desires of the students and tourists who want to go abroad for their set of reasons and opened the doors that took them closer to their dreams.
If you are someone who has aspired to go to some foreign country for further studies or to meet your relatives or for a perfectly-planned vacation, then you have come to the right place.

Click here to fill out the form now.

What We Offer?

We offer a simplified visa application process for students dreaming to study at renowned international universities and hassle-free tourist visa application processes.